[7.4.0] - 2018-10-09
- View Listings page in the admin panel #3340
- Locations section in the custom landing pages #3341
- Background color and image for any section #3296
- Custom fields for user profiles #3332
- Add a section button for info-2-columns and info-3-columns in the custom landing pages #3362
- File name in the design tab and profile settings to show the stored file #3364
- Allow markdown in user profiles “About you” section #3370
- “Expired” status in View listings page #3387
- Allow spaces at the end of the e-mails in signup form #3394
- Added Puerto Rico as a Stripe supported country #3399
- Added support for INR with PayPal #3416
- Added support for ARS with PayPal #3415
- Direct link to the admin panel when logging in as admin user#3414
- Added checkmarks to the user fields #3441
- Added the use of session token in Google’s autocomplete feature #3401
- Icons to payment provider’s page #3444
- Rename admin panel sections #3350
- Rename save listings button #3355
- Video section variations on the custom landing pages #3367
- Renamed the default category to “default category” #3362
- Allow links in the custom user text fields #3373
- Google maps dynamic map for static maps in the listing page #3382
- Change Static map for embedded maps in the listing page #3395
- Update to Circle CI 2.0 #3360
- Profile image is only used once it has been processed #3427
- Fix data deletion task to handle missing images #3349
- Requester name in waiting for confirmation messages in the inbox #3357
- Fixed bug in Hungarian Forint minimum transaction size #3366
- Stripe fee information in listing page #3384
- Display bug in checkbox user fields #3385
- Fixed a broken link when no date was selected for free “per day” and “per night” listings #3410
- Allow to leave dropdown option unselected if it is not mandatory #3446
Upgrade from 7.3.1 to 7.4.0
Nothing special. See the general upgrade instructions.