I’m getting the following error during db migration running rake:
root@example:~/sharetribe# RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
rake aborted!
Aws::Sigv4::Errors::MissingCredentialsError: Cannot load Rails.config.active_storage.service:
missing credentials, provide credentials with one of the following options:
:access_key_id and :secret_access_key
I’m not using AWS but digitalocean; any idea how to solve that?
I’m not sure how things would work with another service provider than Digital Ocean but if they have a similar cloud storage service, you can probably find help in the Active Storage documentation to configure it for your own hosting (Active Storage isn’t limited to AWS).
I don’t know if other members of the Community use something else than AWS but their input will be appreciated, hopefully someone has experience with Digital Ocean!
Until version 8.0 it was not a problem just not use active storage. The files are stored in the same location as also the server is running. Just local.
Im not generating a lot of storage. So active storage is not necessary.
Is there a possibility to make active storage not mandatory?
In your installation you can adjust environment-depending settings:
72: # Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for options)
73: config.active_storage.service = :local
151: config.active_storage.service = :amazon
151: config.active_storage.service = :amazon
Take look at infos_controller.rb to see how existing pages are implemented - you can add new field for page content to community_customizations table, add view and action for InfosController and add related link to menu in ApplicationHelper
Great, thank you a lot. This is working.
I’m almost there. Now I only have the problem left, that when I change the content within the mercury editor and click on save, it is not stored in the DB. With the other pages it works well.
Hi, i also have this error but i’m trying to install it locally.
rake aborted!
Aws::Sigv4::Errors::MissingCredentialsError: Cannot load Rails.config.active_storage.service:
missing credentials, provide credentials with one of the following options:
This is one issue due to the lack of credentials active storage,
To make it work - replace :amazon from :local in the same environment in which you are setting up for example if it’s development environment then under the
config.active_storage.service = :local
I would be happy to discuss you with any other issues.
Aman KR,
email/skype- mailtoamanam@gmail.com
In Go, both users can decide not to give a review (= to “skip the review” process entirely). That code has added a way for Admins, from the Admin panel, to “unskip” a review, meaning allowing user(s) to go through the review process, if they’ve changed their mind and would like to leave a review after all.