[11.0.0] - 2023-07-05
- Links in comments are now nofollow f208d9d
- Changed how “has_connected_stripe” in CSV exports is defined 1a02b32
- Removed support for memcache #80058c0
- Fixed PayPal IPN encoding issue 7a998c7
- Fixed an untranslated button in the new Admin panel fbdbc0a
- Fixed the syntax formatting in the Custom script field in the Admin panel https://github.com/sharetribe/sharetribe/commit/fbdbc0a04ea081f6270d5eaec580cff58ae2a68f
- Fixed incorrect authorization check 04395c1
- Fixed Stripe Connect onboarding in France e19727e
- Fixed fuzzy location issue with null or extreme coordinate values 3585d27
- Updated Dalli dependencies 9579e9d
- Updated Ruby to 3.2.1 f133562
- Updated Ruby to 3.2.2 a0d2970
- Dependencies and Node update 274c97d
Upgrade from 10.3.0 to 11.0.0
The new version contains a Ruby upgrade to 3.2.2 and Node to v18.16, that you should review.
Using memcached is no longer supported. You should use Redis instead.
Otherwise, see the General update instructions.