Sharetribe Footer issue

I searched all topics but none of them gives clear instructions on how to activate footer. I recently updated Sharetribe Go Community version to latest v9.0.0 but in admin I get this message:

Configure and remove all Sharetribe branding from the footer of your marketplace by upgrading to the Pro plan or higher.

Since I am new to programing I use SSH where I entered:

rails console production

and executed:

FeatureFlagService::API::Api.features.enable(community_id: 1, features: [:footer])


PlanService::Store::Plan::PlanModel.create(community_id: 1, status: “active”, features: {“whitelabel”=>true, “admin_email”=>true, “footer”=>true}, expires_at: Time.current + 20.years)

Information updated in DB but website does not show any changes. I rebooted server, but not sure what else needs to be done for changes to take effect. It simply does not change anything.

Can someone take few minutes and post step by step clear instructions how to activate footer?

Thank you and Happy New Year everyone. Happy 2020!

Hey there,

The feature flags are not helpful at all, the are there for saas marketplaces.

I modified plan_footer_disabled function to return nil and also modified application.haml and _footer.haml files to enable the footer.


def plan_footer_disabled?


- else
  = content_for(:page_content)

-# if @custom_footer.try(:display?)
= render 'layouts/footer'

-# Most of the JavaScript should be for performance reasons at the end of the body


- if request.url.include? "/admin"
  - return
- if @custom_footer.theme_logo?
  = render 'layouts/footer/theme_logo'
- else
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Very strange but even after completing these changes I am still not getting Footer to display in front end. Information saves in admin, but front end does not display footer.

I am using New layout.

I’ve setup more then 20 marketplaces and have you the exact same process to enable footer on all of them, make sure to restart the server.

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Do you think footer is not displaying because I executed these commands in rails console?

I triple checked and it is not working for me on new v9.0.0 on Ubuntu 18.0.4 Ruby 2.6.2

At first I was thinking that it does not work because I am using new layout, but later I noticed site that uses new layout and has footer enabled.

It does saves entries in admin, but footer is not showing up in front end.

Restarting server you mean simply executing sudo reboot ?

I am new to programing, and use SSH

By restart the server I don’t mean the server hosting the source code, I mean the app server such as unicorn, puma, passenger or whatever you are using.

I do not use any of this… I simply have Ubuntu 18.0.4 and Ruby 2.6 and the rest of the stuff needed to run Sharetribe… hmmm maybe there is other way to reboot… but if I do make changes I restart Apachee server or do sudo reboot.

apache and nginx are not app servers. you need to restart the app server.

Here is the answer to the custom landing page and the footer showing up.

nano app/services/plan_service/data_types.rb

Change the feature flags to true:

Features = EntityUtils.define_builder(
[:deletable, :bool, default: false],
[:admin_email, :bool, default: true],
[:whitelabel, :bool, default: true],
[:footer, :bool, default: true],
[:landing_page, :bool, default: true],
[:custom_script, :bool, default: true]

Restart your app server or reboot your machine