Payout preferences: too many mandatory fields

Hi Friends,

I am still setting up the sharetribe v 10.3 and thank you so much for the friends answered my previous questions. Now I happened to a payout preference setting issues, the form seems not correct and all the mandatory fields need to fill out before continue. Any idea how to fix it?

Very appreciated for any hint/help.


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That does not look right indeed! The country selection should direct what fields are showed or not.

This is done with JavaScript so maybe there’s something off with that, on your browser, or when you run things? Just a thought.

Also, note that these forms haven’t been maintained since the introduction of Stripe Connect Onboarding in Sharetribe Go, so they may be outdated. If you don’t want to review and update them yourself, you should consider using Connect Onboarding on your marketplace :wink:

Thank you, Thomas, for your quick response. I will try the Stripe Connect Onboarding. I am pretty new to this, not sure if any tutorial/guidance available.
Very appreciated.


Hey @flyskite!

I’m not able to give specific details regarding your own setup but if you use things close to the default, you can probably use the Sharetribe Go hosted version instructions, at, at least as a starting point.

Hopefully, this helps.

Thanks, Thomas. It is working now, thanks for the help.