Payment system is not enabled in 11.0.0

The payment system is not enabled in the admin section.

I have used this but still the same issue.


  • TransactionService::API::Api.processes.create(community_id: 1, process: :preauthorize, author_is_seller: true)
  • TransactionService::API::Api.settings.provision( community_id: 1, payment_gateway: :stripe, payment_process: :preauthorize, active: true)

Exit the shell and add the following lines to your config/config.yml
!!! MAKE SURE you add two leading spaces to each line or the config file will ignore your config!!!
The encryption key can be whatever.

  • stripe_private_key_pattern: “sk_(test|live)_.{24}”
  • stripe_publishable_key_pattern: “pk_(test|live)_.{24}”
  • app_encryption_key: “5345j43h56j3hkj5h4kj54j34j5h3j4f4545345j34h5j34”

Restart sharetribe services and have a look in the admin section, you should find a new Payment setting menu. Add your Stripe APIs (Publishable and Secret) to finish the Stripe setup.

Take those key pattern entries out of the config file and restart everything. The only time you want to use them is with test keys so the UI will let you enter test keys. If you are using test keys find the correct key patterns in the default config.yml file in GitHub.

I think you should also remove that encryption key from the config file. None of my installations use it. The keys go in the ST UI.

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I am having the same issue but doing this did not work for me, do you have any other suggestions. If not I guess I will have to try to downgrade to 10.3.

I’m having the same issue. The payment system shows in production but not in development. Even after I tried the suggested solution.