New Installation of Sharetribe Go Community

I have installed the Community edition of Sharetribe Go on my servers, i.e. self-hosted. I am curious why the marketplace I have created in development is pointing to Sharetribe’s servers as below:

Sharetribe domain

Your Sharetribe marketplace domain is
You can’t change the Sharetribe domain when the custom domain feature is enabled.

  1. How can the custom domain feature be disabled and
  2. Why is the marketplace domain and not

Is this really a free Community edition or just an extension of the paid Sharetribe Go hosted version?

Would appreciate some feedback.

Hey there!

In the Community Edition, that page isn’t disabled but is also not working out of the box. That text is hardcoded and not made different when one is running the Community Edition.

So, you shouldn’t pay attention to that URL, this is just some kind of placeholder.

Thanks for responding.

I still have an issue with the install linking to Here’s what I have done since the last post.

I am now in production mode and have updated domain to via an phpmyadmin. I see the change reflected when I log in to the marketplace on the Home tab.

Here is what is shown on the Domain tab

Sharetribe domain

Your Sharetribe marketplace domain is redirected to your custom domain
You can’t change the Sharetribe domain when the custom domain feature is enabled.

Custom domain

Your marketplace domain is

When I go to the Design, Footer option, I see this:

Show footer

:sparkles: Pro feature: Would you like to configure your own custom footer? Upgrade to the Pro plan or higher.

In trial and Hobby plans, the footer is Sharetribe-branded and can’t be customized. In Pro plans and higher, you can customize the footer. The footer is displayed on all pages of your marketplace.

The footer gives your visitors more ways to access important pages on your marketplace and makes your brand more visible. You can select a dark or light footer style and add text, social media links, and a copyright text. Learn more about the footer.

I am not quite clear on why I should be seeing this for a self hosted community version of Sharetribe Go.

Is there something that needs to be done to clear this up?

Indeed, that page doesn’t have a special version when it is for your own installation of the Community Edition, that is why the regular “hosted version” of the page is displayed.

You can safely ignore this. In practice, as you run it on your own servers, it isn’t connected to Sharetribe in any way. I understand that this can look confusing so if you prefer, you can edit the code to change or disable that page entirely.

Keep up the good work!