List of coding freelancers/consultants who have done good work

Hi all, please list coding freelancers/consultants that you have worked with in the past who’ve done good work for you regarding Sharetribe coding. Just thought it would be useful if (over time) we can build a list of good freelance coders to work with regarding Sharetribe open source users’ future coding projects.

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You can check the list of contributors for ShareTribe on Github who are not part of the core ShareTribe development team.

Thank you! :grinning:

Hey John!

A few ideas/tips.

There are great contractors on Upwork who are able to build customizations on top of our hosted and open-source version. You can try searching “Sharetribe” to find contractors who already have Sharetribe experience.

The company IT House has experience on building customizations on top of our open source version and Netguru is one potential software company interested in such customization projects.

Finally if you want to reach a single developer, who has experience with open source Sharetribe and might be interested in custom projects, you can contact @mooreds, who is a pretty active user in this forum!

Hopefully this helps!


Hey Thomas!

Thank you for your suggestions!

I have already emailed IT House, and I will email Netguru as well.

I will looking into UpWork, but it’s not as easy to work with because UpWork doesn’t want (usually allow) back-and-forth communication between people before the project requester (me in this case) creates the project and (I think, as also with Toptal) pays an upfront escrow fee to UpWork (sidenote: with Toptal it’s a $5000 upfront deposit). This means with UpWork I can only ask a person to give me their past Sharetribe client/references’ phone numbers and email addresses after I have created the project on UpWork.

Hi all,

From my experience over the past month working with Dan Moore, I can personally highly recommend anyone else to also use Dan’s company’s services to help you to setup your own customized Sharetribe peer-to-peer marketplace website.

Dan’s company website:

The ideal way to setup your own customized Sharetribe website is via Heroku hosting (and including a number of Heroku’s Addons) together with Amazon AWS’s hosting solutions, namely: S3, CloudFront/CDN and RDS.
(AWS’s RDS database offering is better than Heroku’s ClearDB database Addon, and the cost difference is not material.)

Dan can also assist you with modifications/customization of your Sharetribe website.
Dan’s own customized Sharetribe-based website is:

Besides that, Dan is a smart, hardworking, pleasant and understanding person to work with.

You can contact Dan at:


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