Yes indeed! This solved the problem as well as delayed mail!
Thanks for the tips ^^
Any ideas where I can find those life-saving commands? Is it in the Github documentation?
We hired a freelancer on upwork. He did an okay job but I wouldn’t recommend him to you. If you want I can recommend other freelancers that I did not use, please send me an email at duc.pham at freelensia dot com.
For Stripe it was not included in open-source but the freelancer helped us set it up.
For calendar, you installed Harmony right? I think our freelancer went through the Sharetribe Github documentations and did everything according to that.
By the way, do you know the commands to delete user messages, change usernames, change user profile content, etc.? We have some user violations but don’t know how to delete without Sharetribe help.
Hi Karibu,
My new images are not showing.
When I use the command RAILS_END=production bundle exec rake jobs:work
I get:
“The program ‘bundle’ is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt install ruby bundler”
I am a total novice at this. I hired a contractor to set up my Sharetribe Open Source and he will no longer respond to me.
Do I need to install the program bundle or am I at the wrong place.
Was it from UpWork? Which freelancer did you hire?
We hired an Indian dev named Sameer Mohd. Apparently, he has done hundreds of Sharetribe migration jobs before. However we would not recommend him. He is technically good, but does only the bare minimum, does not use the latest standards (used MySQL 5.6 instead of 5.7), is lazy (connect his own SendGrid account to use with our server!), and even blackmailed us in the end for 5 star ratings. if you are not technical, be prepared to get screwed.
Yes, try to look up Eugene Konyaev on UpWork. He is expensive, but good. We haven’t worked with him yet but discussed with him a lot before choosing Sameer. We later came back to realize that alot of the things Eugene suggested that Sameer did not do were, indeed very important!
If you do contact Eugene, please say Duc from Freelensia people recommended him. Cuz I promised him I would!
By the way, I suggest we both talk about our experiences with Sameer in the Sharetribe freelancer thread, so that other people do not make the same mistake!