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Approve users who want to join
Approve users who want to join

Learn how to manually approve which users are allowed to join your marketplace.

Yifan Dong avatar
Written by Yifan Dong
Updated over a week ago

By default, all visitors to your marketplace can freely sign up and create a user account.

However, you can restrict this by manually approving users who wish to join your platform. This feature allows you to control who can join the marketplace. For example, you could use this constraint to charge membership fees or creating an exclusive community where only approved members gain access.

How to approve users who want to join

You can enable the "Approve users who want to join" feature by going to the Build section of your Console, General β†’ Access control.

Turn on approve users setting

When this feature is enabled, you will see users who signed up and are pending approval to join your marketplace in the Manage Users section of your Console. Users pending approval will have a badge indicating this status.

Users pending approval in Console

To approve a user, click on the user's name to open the card. A button at the bottom of the user card allows you to approve the user. Once the approval is granted to a user, it cannot be revoked later on.

Approve user in Console's manage users section

Experience from the end user's perspective

If a user who is pending approval tries to create a listing or initiate a transaction on the marketplace, they will see a message stating that their account is waiting for approval. This message can be edited using the Marketplace Texts feature.

A user pending approval can still view content pages and listings on the search page and edit their information in their profile and account settings on the marketplace. You can hide your listings from users pending approval by making your marketplace private.

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