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Manually grant permission to publish listings
Manually grant permission to publish listings

Learn how to limit listing publishing rights to select users on the marketplace

Juho Makkonen avatar
Written by Juho Makkonen
Updated this week

By default, all users who sign up on your markeptlace can create and post listings.

However, you can limit this to only select users by manually granting permission to publish listings. This feature enables you to allow only certain providers to post listings on the marketplace. Using this constraint, you could, for example, verify your providers' credentials or charge them subscription fees to allow them to sell on your marketplace.

How to manually grant permission to publish listings

You can enable the "Manually grant permission to publish listings" by going to the Build section of your Console, General β†’ Access control.

Access Control: Grant publishing rights

After enabling the feature, refresh the browser tab where you are using Console in order to update your settings.

When this feature is enabled, you will see users with listing publishing permissions in the Manage Users section of your Console. Users with permissions will have a checkmark (βœ”) on their user tab, while users without permission rights will have an X.

Manage Users: Grant publishing rights

You can grant or revoke listing publishing rights for each user by clicking on their user tab and then enabling or disabling the "User can publish listings" checkbox under the Permissions section.

Permissions: give user listings publishing rights

Experience from the provider's perspective

If a user without listing publishing permissions tries to create a listing, they will see a message stating that they cannot publish listings because they have not received publishing rights. This message can be edited using the Marketplace Texts feature.

A user without listing publishing permissions cannot update or edit listings that are in a draft state. However, they are allowed to update listings that have already been published on the marketplace.

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