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Setup tutorial 9: Edit the footer

Edit the footer to give visitors quick access to relevant content, such as helpful links or your social media accounts.

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Updated over a week ago

The footer is an important element of your website. It is located at the bottom of each page, with the exception of the search results page, and includes important information like a copyright disclaimer and social media links, in addition to a logo and content—usually links to pages on your website.

After completing this final tutorial, this is what our footer will look like.

The logo and social media symbol color are automatically filled based on brand assets, which you defined in an earlier tutorial. The rest we’ll determine next.

Let's start by navigating to Content > Footer.

Add a slogan

The first thing we’ll add to our footer is a slogan. A slogan is memorable short phrase that communicates your very basic value proposition in a quick and attention-grabbing way.

This can be the same text you added to your landing page’s Hero section or something new.

For our bike rental marketplace, we’ll go with the slogan “Bikes and gear for every surface. Anywhere.”

Type “Bikes and gear for every surface. Anywhere.”

Add a copyright disclaimer

Next, we’ll add a copyright disclaimer. A copyright disclaimer is a short piece of text that lets the public know that your work is protected by copyright law and is not to be copied.

A standard format for the disclaimer is "© [Current year] [Your marketplace name.]". Sometimes, copyright disclaimers also include the phrase “All rights reserved.”

Type “© 2023 Biketribe. All rights reserved.”

Edit or add social media links

Linking to social media channels encourages users to connect with your brand on other platforms, increasing your visibility and online presence.

To add a new social media link, click on "+ Add a new social media link".

First, you choose a platform from the dropdown. The available platforms are:

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • LinkedIn

  • X (Twitter)

  • Pinterest

  • YouTube

  • TikTok

The social media logos are rendered automatically in the footer, so you don’t need to add images.

Choose YouTube.

Then, add the link to your page on that platform.

If you’re using the tutorial assets to follow along, remember to update any social media links to your marketplace’s own channels before you go live.

We’ll also add Facebook and Instagram to the footer.

Add important internal links

Finally, you can add content blocks to the footer. These content blocks work similarly to the same feature in Pages. Each block has a name ID, a block text area, and an optional Anchor link ID.

Sharetribe has some content blocks with links. The first block is named general.

Here, we have three links formatted in Markdown, a lightweight markup language. For example, the text [Post a new listing](/l/new) will render as a link with the anchor text Post a new listing in the footer. The destination is the listing creation page. Learn how to use markdown to format text in your marketplace.

In our footer, we’ll keep the links to search listing and post a new listing. However, since we removed our About-page, we should not have that link in the footer at launch.

Delete the text - [About us](/p/about) in the general content block.

The content block terms-and-privacy does not need updates. It can stay as is.

Next: Launch!

With our footer set up, our marketplace is now ready to be launched to real users!

We configured and reviewed the most important settings and features necessary for our marketplace to operate. It is now time to take the hardest step and launch our marketplace to the world. It’s time to onboard our first users so that we can learn more about what works and what needs improving to serve our target audience.

You need a live environment to start processing real transactions, possibly connect your marketplace with your own domain (like, and launch it to real users. To get a Live environment, you need to initiate a subscription to the Lite plan or higher.

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