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Setup tutorial 8: Edit content pages

You can have any number of content pages. In this step, you'll learn more about editing the most important ones.

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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

Sharetribe’s content management system is Pages, where you manage all your unique marketplace content. In Pages, you’ll find three default content pages in addition to the landing page we edited in the last tutorial: the About page, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy.

With Pages, you can add up to 1,000 unique content pages and create content ranging from informational pages to a help center or a simple blog.

You edit all content pages the same way you learned in the previous tutorial on editing the landing page. We won’t go through all of those details again in this tutorial. Instead, we’ll go through the unique aspects of the three other default content pages and how to edit them.

Please refer to the previous tutorial or the collection of articles on editing your content pages to learn about editing content pages.

Edit or remove the About page

An About is a great resource for sharing more detailed information about your marketplace: what it’s for, how it came to be, who the people behind it are, etc. In general, we recommend having an About page, as it's a great way for people to learn more about you.

In this tutorial, we want to get our marketplace launch-ready as soon as possible, so we're going to remove the About page.

Review the default About page

Start by going to Content > Pages, and click open the page "about".

This page is structured differently than the landing page. The Hero section uses the Article section template, which lays content in a single column on the screen to make space for longer texts. This makes sense since our About page is about telling our story.

The Team section showcases an imaginary team to highlight. Every team member has their own content block. We can use images and texts to show who they are and what they do. The Columns section template lays this visual and text information out efficiently.

If you’d like to keep this About page layout, you can update the text and images to match your marketplace and save!

Remove the About page

To launch our marketplace as fast as possible, we’ll delete the About page for now. We can later add a similar page when we have time to focus on creating the content.

In the Pages editor (Content > Pages), click on the three dots in the page card. Click "Delete page..." and confirm the deletion in the modal that opens. The page has now been removed.

You can remove any content page on your platform, with the exception of the landing page, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy,

Edit the Terms of Service

The Terms of Service page is for the terms users agree to when signing up to your marketplace.

From testing your marketplace, you may remember that to signup and create an account, users need to agree to the Terms of Service. You can state your terms exactly how you want with the Pages editor.

Use a Terms of Service template

If you view the default Terms of Service page, you’ll notice there are no terms included there—yet. You should add your own, marketplace-specific terms on this page.

To speed that process up, Sharetribe provides a template Terms of Service that, with adjustments, will work just fine for starting our marketplace. We’ll review them later after launching and establishing our marketplace. The template is provided by Termsfeed, a leading provider of legal documents for online businesses.

Find the ready-made template Terms of Service in this Google document.

Personalize the Terms of Service

You'll need to update the template terms to match your business. All the information you need to update is marked "{{-- INSERT HERE XXX --}}".

Copy the template contents in the Google Doc to a personal text file you can edit.

Use the search feature to find all the variables you need to replace. Press CMD+F on Mac or Ctrl+F on Windows and search for "{{-- INSERT HERE". You will be updating today's date, marketplace name, and contact details.

Go through each variable and update it with your information.

So far, you may have been using Biketribe information like logo or listing fields as you follow along. We suggest updating your terms with the most accurate information about your marketplace, not our sample platform.

Update the Terms of Service

In Content > Pages, click open the page terms-of-service.

Next, take the following steps:

  • Open the terms-of-service content block.

  • Remove the default content from the text content area.

  • Select and copy all the content from your personalized Terms of Service document. Leave out the disclaimer in the beginning.

  • Paste the content into the text content text area of the terms-of-service content block.

Alternatively, you can also copy the content of the original template terms into the content block and edit the content in Pages.

Click Save changes.

You can see how the page looks by clicking View page in the top right corner of the editor.

Edit the Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy page discloses how your marketplace collects, uses, and manages user data. This is the final required page on your marketplace, as users must agree to your Privacy Policy when signing up and creating an account. You can edit this page with the Pages editor.

Use a Privacy Policy template

If you view the current Privacy Policy page, you’ll notice there is no Privacy Policy included.

Just like for the Terms of Service, Sharetribe provides a template Privacy Policy for you to get started. With some edits, this comprehensive template provided by Termsfeed will work for starting our marketplace. We recommend reviewing this policy carefully after launching to make sure everything matches the way you manage the data you have about your users.

Find the template Privacy Policy in this Google document.

Personalize the Privacy Policy

Same as with updating the terms, you'll need to update the privacy policy template to match your business. All the information you need to update is marked "{{-- INSERT HERE XXX --}}".

Copy the template contents in the Google Doc to a personal text file you can edit.

Use the search feature to find all the variables you need to replace. Press CMD+F on Mac or Ctrl+F on Windows and search for "{{-- INSERT HERE".

Go through each variable and update it with your information.

So far, you may have been using Biketribe information as you follow along. We suggest updating your privacy policy with the most accurate information about your marketplace, not our sample platform.

Update the Privacy Policy

In Content > Pages, click open the page privacy-policy.

Next, take the following steps:

  • Open the privacy-policy content block.

  • Remove the default content from the text content area.

  • Select and copy all the content from your personalized Privact Policy document. Leave out the disclaimer in the beginning.

  • Paste the content into the text content text area of the terms-of-service content block.

Alternatively, you can copy the content of the original template policy into the content block and edit the policy in Pages.

Click Save changes.

You can see how the page looks by clicking View page in the top right corner of the editor.

Next: Edit the footer

Only one step left in our setup: editing the footer. The footer is an important element of your website that you can find at the bottom of each page with the exception of the search results page.

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