User fields enable both customers and providers to provide additional information about themselves during registration or while updating their user profiles in your marketplace.
Below, we will explore each type of user field and explain how they function within your marketplace.
What are the default user fields
Default user fields are available for users to fill out during registration, when editing their profile settings, or when adding payout details and payment preferences.
Below is a list of all the default user fields:
Email address: can be edited on the Signup form, the Account settings > Contact details
Password: can be edited on the Signup form, the Account settings > Password
First name: can be edited on the Signup form, the Profile settings
Last name: can be edited on the Signup form, the Profile settings
Display name: can be edited on the Account settings > Contact details (Learn how Display name works)
Bio: can be edited on the Profile settings
Profile picture: can be edited on the Profile settings
Phone number: can be edited on the Account settings > Contact details
Payout details: can be edited on the Account settings > Payout details
Payment methods: can be edited on the Account settings / Payment methods
How to add custom user fields
You can add custom user fields in Console > Build > Users > User fields. You can create up to 100 user fields.
You can add five types of user fields in Console: "Free text," "Number," "Select one,", "Select multiple", and "Video".
To learn how to create a user field in each of these types, use the time stamps on the timeline of the video below or read on!
Free text
This field type allows users to enter text or numbers. It will appear as a text area on the signup and edit profile forms and as a block of text on the profile page. This field can be used for a variety of information, whether brief or detailed.
Consider using the Free text field type when the information requested is open-ended and extensive or when you’d like to give the user more freedom to share information about themselves.
This field allows users to input a whole number (an integer). It can be positive or negative. You can set low and high limits. The max and min values are really large, respectively -9007199254740991 and 9007199254740991. It will be displayed as a number input field in the signup and edit profile forms.
On a profile page page, all “Number” fields are displayed in a “Details” section.
Consider using the Number field type when the information requested is a number within limits, for example, an age or the number of years of experience.
Select one
This field type allows users to choose one attribute from a predefined list of options during signup or when editing their profile. When setting up this field, you must specify the field options available for selection (you can add up to 100 options). In the signup and edit profile forms, these options will be presented in a dropdown menu.
On a profile page, all “Select one” fields are displayed in a “Details” section. Here is an example of a “Details” section on a listing page showing 3 different “Select one” fields.
This field type is ideal when you want to give your users a limited set of options, only one of which should be applied to the profile.
Select multiple
This field type allows the user to choose multiple attributes (as many as are available) from a list of field options. To create this field, you have to define the list of options available to select (you can add up to 100 options). These will be displayed as checkboxes in the signup and edit profile forms.
On the user profile page, the selected attributes are displayed by default among a list of all possible attributes.
In the field settings, you can unselect the "Show unselected options on the user profile page" checkbox.
When this setting is disabled, unselected options are not shown on the user profile page. If all options are unselected, the field will not be displayed at all.
This field type is ideal for displaying things that users may or may not offer or define themselves as. As with Select One, if the options cannot be confined to a specific list set, consider using a Free text field type instead (or in addition).
This field allows users of your marketplace to add the URL of a video on YouTube to their profile.
On the profile page, the YouTube video will be automatically embedded.
User field settings
Custom user fields can be filled in the profile settings page of the user. The information provided is displayed on the user's profile page.
However, you can also add the user fields to the signup form and make them mandatory to fill in during the registration process on the marketplace.
Additionally, you can limit user fields to specific user types by entering the User Type ID. This allows you to configure the signup form so that only the fields specific to a selected user type are displayed. Learn more about user types.