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Marketplace texts: taking keys from a new release into use
Marketplace texts: taking keys from a new release into use

Sometimes new releases to Sharetribe introduce new keys for marketplace texts. This article teaches you how to start using them.

Thomas Malbaux avatar
Written by Thomas Malbaux
Updated over a month ago

How to add/update new Marketplace texts

Many Sharetribe feature releases include new user interface elements in your marketplace with default English texts. If you'd like to use the new feature and are not happy with the default texts because your marketplace is in a different language or you would otherwise prefer a different vocabulary, you can change them with Marketplace texts. However, the new key-value pairs don't appear automatically in your editor. Instead, you need to add them there manually.

This document contains all the new and updated key-value pairs. For example, let's say that there's a new release that introduces the following two key-value pairs.

"ExamplePage.NewKey1": "New value 1",

"ExamplePage.NewKey2": "New value 2",

To edit these texts, you first need to copy the key-value pairs and paste them to Marketplace texts at the very beginning of the file but after "{", like the screenshots below illustrate.



You can then modify the values to your liking:

Remember to save your changes when you're done.

If the new release includes updated keys, you should use the search functionality of Marketplace texts to find the old keys and replace them with the new keys. If the new release includes deleted keys, you don't need to do anything, but if you want, you can find and remove those keys from your Marketplace texts, too, as they won't be used anymore in your marketplace.

If you created your Sharetribe account after any of the below-mentioned release dates, then updating your Marketplace texts with the new keys from the respective release is not necessary.


Seats - January 9th, 2025

New keys

"BookingDatesForm.seatsPlaceholder": "Select...",
"BookingDatesForm.seatsTitle": "Number of seats",
"BookingTimeForm.seatsPlaceholder": "Select...",
"BookingTimeForm.seatsTitle": "Number of seats",
"EditListingAvailabilityPanel.WeeklyCalendar.exception": "Exception: {exception}",
"EditListingAvailabilityPanel.WeeklyCalendar.seats": "{seats, plural, one {{seats} seat} other {{seats} seats}}",
"EditListingAvailabilityPlanForm.selectTime": "Select time",
"FieldSeatsInput.numberTooBig": "The number must be less than or equal to {max}",
"FieldSeatsInput.numberTooSmall": "The number must be greater than or equal to {min}",
"FieldSeatsInput.seatsError": "This field is required",
"FieldSeatsInput.seatsLabel": "Seats",
"FieldSeatsInput.seatsPlaceholder": "Seats",
"FilterComponent.seatsLabel": "Seats",
"InboxPage.seats": "Number of seats: {seats}",
"NumberInput.decrementButton": "Decrement the value by one",
"NumberInput.incrementButton": "Increment the value by one",
"OrderBreakdown.baseUnitDaySeats": "{unitPrice} x {quantity, number} {quantity, plural, one {day} other {days}} x { seats, number } { seats, plural, one {seat} other {seats} }",
"OrderBreakdown.baseUnitNightSeats": "{unitPrice} x {quantity, number} {quantity, plural, one {night} other {nights}} x { seats, number } { seats, plural, one {seat} other {seats} }",
"OrderBreakdown.baseUnitHourSeats": "{unitPrice} x {quantity, number} {quantity, plural, one {hour} other {hours}} x { seats, number } { seats, plural, one {seat} other {seats} }",
"SeatsFilter.labelSelected":"Seats: {seatCount}",
"EditListingAvailabilityPlanForm.delete": "Delete",

Updated keys

"CustomExtendedDataField.numberTooSmall": "The number must be greater than or equal to {min}",

Deleted keys

"EditListingAvailabilityPanel.WeeklyCalendar.exceptions": "Exceptions",

Bank account collection in Stripe Connect Onboarding - November 28th, 2024

New keys

"EditListingWizard.payoutModalInfoNew": "{marketplaceName} uses Stripe to process payments. Get verified with Stripe and add your payout details to receive money from transactions. Start by choosing your account type and country.",
"": "Company",
"StripeConnectAccountForm.accountTypes.individual": "Individual",

Updated keys

"EditListingWizard.payoutModalInfo": "{marketplaceName} uses Stripe to process payments. Get verified with Stripe and add your payout details to receive money from transactions.",
"StripeConnectAccountForm.stripeToSText": "By moving forward in the process, you agree to the {stripeConnectedAccountTermsLink}.",
"StripeConnectAccountStatusBox.verificationNeededText": "Stripe needs some more information from you to verify your account.",
"StripeConnectAccountStatusBox.verificationNeededTitle": "Complete verification to receive payments",

Deleted keys

"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.accountNumber.inline": "account number",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.accountNumber.label": "Bank account number",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.accountNumber.placeholder": "Type in bank account number…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.accountNumber.required": "Bank account number is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.accountOwnerName.inline": "account owner name",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.accountOwnerName.label": "Bank account owner name",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.accountOwnerName.placeholder": "Jane Doe",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.accountOwnerName.required": "Bank account owner name is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.andBeforeLastItemInAList": " and",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bankCode.inline": "bank code",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bankCode.label": "Bank code",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bankCode.placeholder": "Type in bank code…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bankCode.required": "Bank code is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bankName.inline": "bank name",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bankName.label": "Bank name",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bankName.placeholder": "Type in bank name…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bankName.required": "Bank name is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.branchCode.inline": "branch code",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.branchCode.label": "Branch code",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.branchCode.placeholder": "Type in branch code…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.branchCode.required": "Branch code is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.branchName.inline": "branch name",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.branchName.label": "Branch name",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.branchName.placeholder": "Type in branch name…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.branchName.required": "Branch name is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bsb.inline": "BSB",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bsb.label": "BSB",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bsb.placeholder": "Type in BSB…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.bsb.required": "BSB is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.clabe.inline": "CLABE",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.clabe.label": "CLABE",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.clabe.placeholder": "Type in CLABE…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.clabe.required": "CLABE is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.clearingCode.inline": "clearing code",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.clearingCode.label": "Clearing code",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.clearingCode.placeholder": "Type in clearing code…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.clearingCode.required": "Clearing code is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.genericStripeError": "Couldn't connect account number. Please double-check that your {inputs} are valid in {country}",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.genericStripeErrorIban": "Couldn't connect account number. Please double-check that your account number is valid in {country}",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.iban.inline": "IBAN",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.iban.label": "Bank account number (IBAN)",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.iban.placeholder": "DE89 3704 0044 0532 0130 00",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.iban.required": "Bank account number (IBAN) is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.institutionNumber.inline": "institution number",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.institutionNumber.label": "Institution number",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.institutionNumber.placeholder": "Type in institution number…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.institutionNumber.required": "Institution number is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.routingNumber.inline": "routing number",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.routingNumber.label": "Routing number",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.routingNumber.placeholder": "Type in routing number…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.routingNumber.required": "Routing number is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.sortCode.inline": "sort code",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.sortCode.label": "Sort code",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.sortCode.placeholder": "Type in sort code…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.sortCode.required": "Sort code is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.transitNumber.inline": "transit number",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.transitNumber.label": "Transit number",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.transitNumber.placeholder": "Type in transit number…",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.transitNumber.required": "Transit number is required.",
"StripeBankAccountTokenInputField.unsupportedCountry": "Country not supported: {country}",

Support for currencies not supported by Stripe - November 26th, 2024

New keys

"CheckoutPage.incompatibleCurrency": "You're trying to initiate a payment using a currency not supported by Stripe. If you're using Stripe as your payment processor, you can only use currencies supported by Stripe.",
"EditListingDetailsForm.incompatibleCurrency": "{marketplaceName} uses {marketplaceCurrency} as its currency. This listing type requires online payments, but Sharetribe's online payment system doesn't support {marketplaceCurrency} payments. If you want to publish a listing with this listing type, the currency of the marketplace needs to be changed.",

Discard listing draft - November 7th, 2024

New keys

"DiscardDraftModal.close": "Close",
"DiscardDraftModal.message": "This can't be undone.",
"DiscardDraftModal.submit": "Discard draft",
"DiscardDraftModal.title": "Are you sure you want to discard this draft?",
"ManageListingCard.discardDraftLinkText": "Discard draft",
"ManageListingCard.discardDraftText": "{discardDraftLink}",

Updated keys

"ManageListingCard.closeListingText": "Close listing",
"ManageListingCard.closeListingTextOr": "{closeListingLink}",

React 17 - October 30th, 2024

New keys

"DatePicker.clearButton": "Clear value",
"DatePicker.screenreader.blockedDate": "{date} is not available",
"DatePicker.screenreader.chooseDate": "Choose {date}",
"DatePicker.screenreader.chooseEndDate": "Choose {date} as the end date",
"DatePicker.screenreader.chooseStartDate": "Choose {date} as the start date",
"DatePicker.screenreader.nextMonthButton": "Next month",
"DatePicker.screenreader.previousMonthButton": "Previous month",
"DatePicker.screenreader.selectedDate": "{date} is selected",
"DatePicker.screenreader.selectedEndDate": "{date} is selected as the end date",
"DatePicker.screenreader.selectedStartDate": "{date} is selected as the start date",
"DatePicker.todayButton": "Show today",

Updates to Restrict rights to post listings - October 26th, 2024

Updated keys

"NoAccessPage.postListings.schemaTitle": "No posting rights",
"NoAccessPage.postListings.heading": "You don't have posting rights",
"NoAccessPage.postListings.content": "To post listings, you need to receive posting rights from the {marketplaceName} team.",

Custom video listing and user field - October 23rd, 2024

New keys

"CustomExtendedDataField.placeholderYoutubeVideoURL": "The URL of a YouTube video",
"CustomExtendedDataField.notValidYoutubeVideoURL": "The URL you entered is not a valid YouTube URL.",

Restrict viewing rights - October 11th, 2024

New keys

"NoAccessPage.viewListings.schemaTitle": "No viewing rights",
"NoAccessPage.viewListings.heading": "You don't have viewing rights",
"NoAccessPage.viewListings.content": "To view this content, you need to receive viewing rights from the {marketplaceName} team.",

CTA button for permissions pages - October 7th, 2024

Updated keys

"NoAccessPage.postListings.heading": "You don't have publishing rights",
"NoAccessPage.postListings.content": "To publish listings, you need to receive publishing rights from the {marketplaceName} team.",

Permission to initiate transactions - October 2nd, 2024

New keys

"InquiryForm.noTransactionRightsError": "Oops, something went wrong. You don't have transaction rights. <NoAccessLink>Read more about transaction rights.</NoAccessLink>",
"NoAccessPage.initiateTransactions.schemaTitle": "No transaction rights",
"NoAccessPage.initiateTransactions.heading": "You don't have transaction rights",
"NoAccessPage.initiateTransactions.content": "To start a transaction, you need to receive transaction rights from the {marketplaceName} team.",

Updated key

"InquiryForm.userPendingApprovalError": "Oops, something went wrong. Your account is waiting for approval.",

User approval - September 4th, 2024

New keys

"InquiryForm.userPendingApprovalError": "Oops, something went wrong. You don't have permission to make inquiries",
"NoAccessPage.userPendingApproval.schemaTitle": "No user approval",
"NoAccessPage.userPendingApproval.heading": "Your account is waiting for approval",
"NoAccessPage.userPendingApproval.content": "You need approval from the {marketplaceName} team to get access to the marketplace.",

Grant permission to publish listings - August 14th, 2024

New keys

"NoAccessPage.postListings.schemaTitle": "No publishing rights",
"NoAccessPage.postListings.heading": "You can't publish listings",
"NoAccessPage.postListings.content": "You need to receive publishing rights from the {marketplaceName} team.",

User types - June 4th, 2024

New keys

"ConfirmSignupForm.displayNameLabel": "Display name",
"ConfirmSignupForm.displayNamePlaceholder": "Jane D",
"ConfirmSignupForm.displayNameRequired": "You need to add a display name.",
"ConfirmSignupForm.phoneNumberLabel": "Phone number",
"ConfirmSignupForm.phoneNumberPlaceholder": "Enter your phone number.",
"ConfirmSignupForm.phoneNumberRequired": "You need to add a phone number.",
"ContactDetailsForm.phoneRequired": "A phone number is required.",
"EditListingDetailsForm.listingTypeRequired": "You need to select a listing type.",
"FieldSelectUserType.label": "User type",
"FieldSelectUserType.placeholder": "Choose a user type",
"FieldSelectUserType.required": "You need to select a user type.",
"ListingPage.errorInvalidListingMessage": "The listing contained invalid data. Please contact the marketplace operator.",
"ProfileSettingsForm.displayNameHeading": "Your display name",
"ProfileSettingsForm.displayNameInfo": "The display name defaults to first name plus initial of last name.",
"ProfileSettingsForm.displayNameLabel": "Display name",
"ProfileSettingsForm.displayNamePlaceholder": "Jane D",
"ProfileSettingsForm.displayNameRequired": "This field is required.",
"SignupForm.displayNameLabel": "Display name",
"SignupForm.displayNamePlaceholder": "Jane D",
"SignupForm.displayNameRequired": "You need to add a display name.",
"SignupForm.phoneNumberLabel": "Phone number",
"SignupForm.phoneNumberPlaceholder": "Enter your phone number.",
"SignupForm.phoneNumberRequired": "You need to add a phone number.",

Numeric custom listing and user field - May 22nd, 2024

New keys

"CustomExtendedDataField.numberTooSmall": "The number must be larger than or equal to {min}",
"CustomExtendedDataField.numberTooBig": "The number must be less than or equal to {max}",
"IntegerRangeFilter.labelSelectedPlain": "{minValue} - {maxValue}",

Categories - May 13th, 2024

New keys

"EditListingDetailsForm.categoryLabel": "{categoryLevel, select, categoryLevel1 {Category} other {Subcategory}}",
"EditListingDetailsForm.categoryPlaceholder": "{categoryLevel, select, categoryLevel1 {Select category} other {Select subcategory}}",
"EditListingDetailsForm.categoryRequired": "{categoryLevel, select, categoryLevel1 {You need to select a category.} other {You need to select a subcategory.}}",
"FilterComponent.categoryLabel": "Category",

Social logins - April 25th, 2024

New keys

"AuthenticationPage.idpAuthFailed": "Failed to authenticate with an external identity provider.",
"TopbarDesktop.LinksMenu.all": "Menu",
"TopbarDesktop.LinksMenu.more": "More",

Updated keys

"AuthenticationPage.loginWithFacebook": "Continue with Facebook",
"AuthenticationPage.loginWithGoogle": "Continue with Google",
"AuthenticationPage.signupWithFacebook": "Continue with Facebook",
"AuthenticationPage.signupWithGoogle": "Continue with Google",

User fields - April 24th, 2024

New keys

"ProfilePage.detailNo": "No",
"ProfilePage.detailYes": "Yes",
"ProfilePage.detailsTitle": "Details",

Top bar links - March 15th, 2024

New keys

"TopbarDesktop.LinksMenu.all": "Menu", 
"TopbarDesktop.LinksMenu.more": "More",

Display & disable default fields - February 14th, 2024

New keys

"CheckoutPage.destinationAccountNotCompleteStripeError": "This listing is currently unavailable because the listing author's payout information is incomplete. Your card hasn't been charged. Please contact support.", 
"ListingPage.addPayoutDetails": "Add payout details",
"ListingPage.addPayoutDetailsMessage": "Please add your payout details to start accepting orders.", "ListingPage.payoutDetailsWarning": "This listing is not available {processType, select, booking {for booking} other {for purchase}}. You have not added your payout details yet.",
"ListingPage.payoutDetailsWarningLink": "Add your payout details", "ProductOrderForm.ownListing": "This is your own listing.", "EditListingPricingAndStockForm.updateToInfinite": "Update the stock of this listing to infinite", "EditListingPricingAndStockForm.updateToInfiniteInfo": "<b>The stock type of this listing type has changed.</b> The stock of this listing is currently {currentStock}, but listings in this listing type should now have infinite stock.",
"EditListingPricingAndStockForm.updateToInfiniteRequired": "You need to update the stock of this listing to infinite to save changes.",

Updated keys

"TransactionPage.ActivityFeed.default-purchase.delivered": "{deliveryMethod, select, shipping {The listing was shipped.} other {The listing was delivered.}}",
"TransactionPage.default-purchase.customer.purchased.extraInfo": "{deliveryMethod, select, shipping {You'll be notified when {providerName} ships the item.} other {Use the chat function below to agree on a time for pickup.}}",
"CheckoutPage.providerStripeAccountMissingError": "This listing is currently unavailable because the listing author hasn't added their payout details yet. Please contact support.", "EditListingPricingAndStockForm.oldStockTotalWasOutOfSync": "Oops, the stock of this listing is out of sync. Someone might just have bought this item. Please refresh the page and try again.",
"": "Next", "": "Next", "": "Next", "": "Publish listing", "": "Next", "": "Next", "": "Next", "": "Next", "": "Publish listing", "": "Next", "": "Next", "": "Next", "": "Publish listing", "": "Next",

Customer commission - February 7th, 2024

New keys

"OrderBreakdown.commission": "{role, select, customer {{marketplaceName} fee *} provider {{marketplaceName} fee *} other {}}",

Updated keys

"OrderBreakdown.commission": "{marketplaceName} fee"

Multiple listing types - September 27th, 2023

New keys

"ManageListingsPage.createListing": "Post a new listing",
"SearchPage.createListing": "Post a new listing",
"CheckoutPageWithInquiryProcess.initiateInquiryError": "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact support.",
"CheckoutPageWithInquiryProcess.initiateInquiryErrorNoProcess": "Oops, no transaction process attached to the listing. Please contact support",

Free messaging process - September 19th, 2023

New keys

"CheckoutPage.default-inquiry.orderBreakdown": "Order breakdown",
"CheckoutPage.default-inquiry.title": "Send an inquiry to {authorDisplayName}",
"CheckoutPageWithInquiryProcess.messageLabel": "Inquiry message",
"CheckoutPageWithInquiryProcess.messagePlaceholder": "Hello there! I'm interested in…",
"CheckoutPageWithInquiryProcess.messageRequired": "Message is required.",
"CheckoutPageWithInquiryProcess.perUnit": "{unitType, select, day {per day} night {per night} hour {per hour} other {}}",
"CheckoutPageWithInquiryProcess.submitButtonText": "Send inquiry",
"": "Next: Location",
"": "Next: Pricing",
"": "Next: Photos",
"": "Publish listing",
"": "Next: Photos",
"": "Free inquiry",
"InquiryWithoutPaymentForm.ctaButton": "Send an inquiry",
"OrderPanel.ctaButtonMessageInquiry": "Send an inquiry",
"SortBy.newest": "Newest",
"SortBy.oldest": "Oldest",
"SortBy.lowestPrice": "Lowest price",
"SortBy.highestPrice": "Highest price",
"SortBy.relevance": "Relevance",
"SortBy.relevanceLong": "Relevance (Keyword search)",
"": "{actor, select, you {You started a conversation.} other {{otherUsersName} started a conversation.}}",
"": "You sent an inquiry.",
"": "You received an inquiry from {customerName}.",
"TransactionPanel.conversationHeading": "Conversation",
"TransactionPanel.inquiryMessageHeading": "Inquiry message",

Updated keys

"EditListingPricingForm.pricePerProduct": "Price {unitType, select, day {per day} night {per night} hour {per hour} other {}}"

Deleted keys

"ModalMissingInformation.gotoPaymentSettings": "Add payment details",
"ModalMissingInformation.missingStripeAccountText": "You have listings but your payment details are missing. Your listings are not available until payment details are saved.",
"ModalMissingInformation.missingStripeAccountTitle": "Payment details missing",
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