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What are Email texts

Email texts are the text content of your marketplace notification emails. Change them to match your marketplace tone, locale, and language.

Thomas Rocca avatar
Written by Thomas Rocca
Updated over 3 months ago

Sharetribe marketplaces automatically send email notifications to your users. There are two categories of email notifications: built-in email notifications, which are sent when users are managing their accounts, and transaction email notifications, which are sent to customers and providers during a transaction. An editor in Console gives you the ability to change the text content of these emails.

What you can do with Email texts

Email texts represent the entirety of text content across both built-in emails and transaction notification emails sent by your marketplace. You can change every letter, word, or punctuation in these emails with the editor found in Console, at Content > Email texts.

There are several possible use cases you can support with Email texts editor. First of all, you can change the wording and phrasing of every email to match the tone and verbiage your users will understand and appreciate. It’s a good idea to match Email texts to your Marketplace texts.

Secondly, you can use the Email texts editor to match your users’ preferences for how money, dates, plurals, and words should appear. For instance, most marketplaces using the Euro should place the currency symbol before the amount in their emails (e.g. €5); however, in certain places in Europe, users would expect the symbol to go after (e.g. 5€). You can adjust how currency shows in your emails to suit your locale, alongside other locale-specific details like dates, plurals, and spellings.

Third, you can use the Email texts editor to translate your texts into a different language. Sharetribe comes with several languages already translated for you, but, if your language is not on this list, you can use Email texts (and Marketplace texts) to fully translate your marketplace.

Of course, your marketplace emails already contain Email texts, and it is perfectly fine to leverage these defaults.

How Email texts work

All your Email texts are contained within a single file. Every email your marketplace can send has texts within this file. This is the file that you can view and edit with the Email texts editor found in Content > Email texts.

Email texts are presented in two parts: a key, which tells you where the text content is used, and a value, which is the text content itself.

The content or “value” in your Email texts can be phrases, words, or numbers. You can also use various arguments to better contextualize your notification messaging to the particular transaction in question. You can learn more about how Email texts work in this article.

What emails notifications are sent by your marketplace

There are two types of email notifications sent by your marketplace. The first are built-in email notifications, which are sent during account management actions like resetting a password or verifying an email.

The second type of email notifications sent by your marketplace are the transaction notifications. These are sent to customers and providers during a transaction. They include notifications about a new purchase or booking request, updates about the progress of the transaction, and reminders to leave a review.

How to get started with Email texts

View your Email texts in Content > Email texts. You can start modifying the value of your email texts right away.

Want to learn more? Visit this article to learn how to use the Email texts editor.


Translations for Sharetribe are available in some languages already:

  • French

  • German

  • Spanish

You can anytime edit your Marketplace texts and Email texts to translate Sharetribe into the language of your choice, too.

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