Sharetribe supports the following languages out of the box:
Using any one of these languages means that all your default content, texts, and emails appear in this language.
You can view your content pages in the Pages editor at Content > Pages, your Marketplace texts at Content > Marketplace texts, and your Email texts at Content > Email texts.
How to change your marketplace language
Your marketplace language is set when you create your Sharetribe account. You may change your marketplace language to one of the fully translated languages by contacting our team anytime using the chat widget in the bottom right of your Console or at the bottom right of this page. Let us know the language you wish us to enable.
How to change Console language
Console is only available in English at the moment. It can be translated using browsers’ native translation capabilities if you would like to navigate Console in your preferred language, though note this is not an official translation. Chrome users, for example, can right-click anywhere in Console and select “Translate to <your browser language>” to translate Console.
How to translate your marketplace into a new language
Your marketplace may use a language that is not on the list above. In practice, this entails translating the default texts in the marketplace and the default texts used in email notifications. You should also create content pages in your preferred language.
Marketplace texts are short phrases like button labels or help texts used throughout your marketplace (not in static pages), in dynamic pages, where user content is shown, and users interact. You can learn more about how to edit and translate them in this article.
Email texts are the written content of your email notifications. You can edit, translate, and localize the texts within these notifications in Console. Follow our guide in this article to get started.
You can also create content pages in your preferred languages using the Pages editor in Console. You can use the Pages editor to edit default pages like your Landing page or Terms of service page, or to create entirely new content pages. You can learn more about how to use Pages in this article.
How to enable multiple languages at the same time
Sharetribe does not support multiple languages in your marketplace without coding. You may create content pages in different languages; however, Email and Marketplace texts only support a single language version without code.
Having all the text content of your marketplace appear and be sent in multiple languages requires customizing with code.
How locales work
Making your marketplace language accessible can go beyond just texts. Many languages have "locales" which are specific adaptations that match a region or country’s language conventions.
English - Australia
English - Canada
English - Ireland
English - New Zealand
English - Singapore
English - United Kingdom
English - United States
The default locale is dependent your choices when creating the marketplace, but for most marketplaces, it is "English - United States".
Your locale impacts how the currency and the currency symbol is shown on your marketplace. (You can view the list of supported currencies in this article). It also impacts what language and date-time conventions are used inside booking calendars and booking panels.
How First day of the week works
First day of the week configures the starting day of the calendars in your marketplace. The starting day can be Sunday or Monday. This change will be reflected in the calendar used for booking and availability management.