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Listing approval

A guide that shows how the process for approving listings as operator works.

Yifan Dong avatar
Written by Yifan Dong
Updated over a week ago

Sharetribe allows you to approve new listings before they get published and are visible to other users on the marketplace.

Understanding the listing approval feature

Normally, a new listing on Sharetribe is published as soon as the user who created it hits the "publish" button. However, you can change this so that new listings need your approval before they go live. This means that a listing only gets published after you've checked and approved it.

You might want to use this feature to ensure that the listings are appropriate for your marketplace and fit its theme and terms of use. For example, if you've limited the number of listings a provider can post, you can use this feature to monitor the numbers.

Note that this only applies to new listings. If a provider edits an already-approved listing, they won't need your approval again. Keep this in mind if you want to review all changes to listings.

Currently, you can't "reject" a listing, though you can delete a listing that you don't approve if you prefer. If a listing needs changes to meet your marketplace standards, you'll need to get in touch with the provider to suggest improvements and ask them to submit a new listing.

How to use the listing approval feature

You can turn on the listing approval feature in your Console's Build section by going to General β†’ Access control.

When you have listings that need approval, you can see them in the Console's manage section in the listing tab. Listings pending approval will have a badge indicating this status.

To approve a listing, click on it to open it. A button at the bottom of the listing panel will allow you to approve the listing.

Experience from the provider's perspective

Providers can create a listing as usual by clicking the listing creation button in the top bar of the marketplace. However, instead of being published immediately, the listing will await review and approval from the marketplace Operator.

There will be a banner at the top of the listing page indicating that the listing is "Pending approval." This banner serves as a reminder for the provider and is not visible to other users. It simply means that the listing is currently under review by the Operator.

While awaiting approval, the listing will not be visible to other users on the marketplace. This means they won't be able to see or interact with your listing until it has been approved.

Once an operator has reviewed and approved the listing, it will become visible to all users on the marketplace, and they can start interacting with it. There's no automatic notification for this, so you might want to notify your provider once their listings are approved.

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