On March 1st, 2025, Google has implemented changes to Maps pricing and stop supporting its legacy Places API. Soon, Sharetribe will no longer support the legacy Google Maps Places API. From then on, only its newest version, currently called "Places API (New)", will be supported in Sharetribe.
If you use Google Maps in your Live marketplace, you should enable "Places API (New)" in your Google Cloud settings, for your marketplace's Google Maps project.
We had initially planned to stop support for the legacy API on March 1st, 2025, but a bug at Google forced us to wait until this is fixed, first.
If location features (location search and listing and shipping locations) in your marketplace stopped working, make sure you have enabled the new API by following the instructions below.
To enable the new Google Maps "Places API (New)", you should:
Select the project you've created earlier for Google Maps in your Sharetribe marketplace
At the top of the page, select "+ ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES" or select "Library" in the left side menu to to display the "API Library" tab.
Search for "Places API (New)" and open the result
Click "Enable" to enable the API capability
If you haven't already, you may be asked to enable and configure billing for your Google Maps project.
That's it! Location features in your marketplace should work smoothly.