Your marketplace automatically sends email notifications to users when events occur.
Built-in email notifications are sent to users from your marketplace when they are creating or managing their account, when their account or listing get approved and when their user permissions change. Actions like creating an account, resetting a password, and granting a user posting rights trigger a built-in email notification.
Below is a list of all the built-in emails and how to locate them when editing their text using the Email text editor. The most frequently sent built-in notification emails are ones sent right after a user creates an account with instructions to verify their email (“verify email instructions”) and the welcome email they receive after verifying their email address “welcome email after user joins.”
Verify email address
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after the user signs up
Who is sent to: every user who creates an account
User joined
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after the user confirms their email address by clicking the link in the verify email address notification
Who is sent to: every user whose email has been confirmed
New message
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after one user sends a message to another user
Who is sent to: the customer or provider receiving the message
Verify changed email address
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after a user changes their email in their account settings
Who is sent to: the user account that is changing their email
Email changed
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after the user verifies their new email address
Who is sent to: the user account that verified their new email address using verify changed email instructions email
Reset password
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after the user requests to reset their password
Who is sent to: the user account that requested to reset their password
Password changed
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after the user resets their password using a secure link
Who is sent to: the user account that reset their password using reset password instructions email
Listing approved
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after a listing that is pending approval gets approved by an operator
Who is sent to: the author of the listing
This email is only sent if you have the listing approval feature enabled. Learn more about listing approval.
User approved
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after a user is approved to join the marketplace
Who is sent to: users who get approved to join the marketplace
This email is only sent if you have the user approval feature enabled. Learn more about user approval.
User permissions changed
Name in email text editor:
When is it sent: after a user's access control permission gets updated
Who is sent to: users whose permission gets updated
This email is sent only if you have the access control settings enabled. Learn more about access control features.
Disable built-in email notifications
You can disable certain built-in email notifications from Console > Advanced > Email notifications, by clicking the 3 dots and Disable.
A disabled email notification will show a label next to it.
You can disable the following email notifications:
New message
User joined
Verify email address
Listing approved
User approved
User permissions changed