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Customize pricing

Learn how to customize pricing in your marketplace by adding an optional helmet rental fee on top of the regular nightly price of the accommodation.

Table of Contents

In this tutorial, you will

  • Allow providers to add a helmet rental fee to their listings
  • Allow customers to select whether they want to include the helmet rental fee in their booking
  • Include a selected helmet rental fee in the transaction's pricing

Store helmet rental fee into listing

Pricing can be based on a lot of variables, and one practical way to build it is to base it on information stored as extended data in listings. In this example, we are using a listing's public data to store information about the helmet rental fee.

We will not add new fields to listing configuration in Sharetribe Console, since we do not want to show the helmet rental fee in the Details panel. Instead, we start by making some changes to EditListingPricingPanel located in the EditListingWizard directory:

└── src
    └── containers
        └── EditListingPage
            └── EditListingWizard
                └── EditListingPricingPanel
                    └── EditListingPricingPanel.js

Save to public data

In EditListingPricingPanel.js, we need to edit the onSubmit function to save the new public data field called helmetFee. Because we are using FieldCurrencyInput component in this example as the input of choice, the helmetFee variable will be a Money object when we get it from the submitted values. Money objects can't be stored directly into public data, so we need to create a JSON object with the keys amount and currency, and use it in the underlying API call.

  onSubmit={values => {
    const {
+     helmetFee = null
    } = values;

    // New values for listing attributes
    const updatedValues = {
+     publicData: {
+       helmetFee: helmetFee ? { amount: helmetFee.amount, currency: helmetFee.currency } : null
+     },

Initialize the form

Next, we want to pass inital values for price and helmetFee. For this, we need to get the helmetFee from listing attributes under the publicData key. Also, because FieldCurrencyInput expects the value to be a Money object, we need to convert the value we get from Marketplace API back to an instance of Money.

In the beginning of EditListingPricingPanel.js, you'll find the getInitialValues function:

const getInitialValues = params => {
  const { listing } = params;
  const { price, publicData } = listing?.attributes || {};

+ const helmetFee = publicData?.helmetFee || null;

+ const helmetFeeAsMoney = helmetFee
+   ? new Money(helmetFee.amount, helmetFee.currency)
+   : null;

  return {
+   helmetFee: helmetFeeAsMoney

Add an input component

We want to be able to save the listing's helmet rental fee amount, so we add a new FieldCurrencyInput to EditListingPricingForm.js. The id and name of this field will be helmetFee.

Adding this fee will be optional, so we don't want to add any validate parameters to the FieldCurrencyInput like there is in the price input.

└── src
    └── containers
        └── EditListingPage
            └── EditListingWizard
                └── EditListingPricingPanel
                    └── EditListingPricingForm.js
    { id: 'EditListingPricingForm.pricePerProduct' },
    { unitType }
  placeholder={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'EditListingPricingForm.priceInputPlaceholder' })}
// Additional currency input
+ <FieldCurrencyInput
+   id={`${formId}helmetFee`}
+   name="helmetFee"
+   className={css.input}
+   autoFocus={autoFocus}
+   label={intl.formatMessage(
+     { id: 'EditListingPricingForm.helmetFee' },
+     { unitType }
+   )}
+   placeholder={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'EditListingPricingForm.helmetFeePlaceholder' })}
+   currencyConfig={appSettings.getCurrencyFormatting(marketplaceCurrency)}
+ />

You can add the following marketplace translations to en.json:

"EditListingPricingForm.helmetFee":"Helmet rental fee (optional)",
"EditListingPricingForm.helmetFeePlaceholder": "Add a helmet rental fee..."

After adding the new marketplace text keys, the EditListingPricingPanel should look something like this: EditListingPricePanel

Update BookingDatesForm

In our example the helmet rental fee is optional, and users can select it as an add-on to their booking. In this section, we will add the UI component for selecting the helmet rental fee and pass the information about the user's choice to the the backend of our client app.

In case you want to add the helmet rental fee automatically to every booking, you don't need to add the UI component for selecting the helmet rental fee, and you can move forward to the next section: Add a new line item for the helmet rental fee.

Prepare props

To use the information about helmet rental fee inside the BookingDatesForm, we need to pass some new information from OrderPanel to the form. OrderPanel is the component used on ListingPage and TransactionPage to show the order breakdown.

└── src
    └── components
        └── OrderPanel
            └── OrderPanel.js

OrderPanel gets listing as a prop. The helmet rental fee is now saved in the listing's public data, so we can find it under the publicData key in the listing's attributes.

Because adding a helmet rental fee to a listing is optional, we need to check whether or not the helmetFee exists in public data:

const helmetFee = listing?.attributes?.publicData.helmetFee;

Once we have assigned the helmet rental fee information to the constant helmetFee, we need to pass it forward to BookingDatesForm. This form is used for collecting the order data (e.g. booking dates), and values from this form will be used when creating the transaction line items. We will pass the helmetFee to this form as a new prop.

+   helmetFee={helmetFee}

Add helmet rental fee checkbox

Next, we need to add a new field to BookingDatesForm for selecting the possible helmet rental fee. For this, we will use the FieldCheckbox component, because we want the helmet rental fee to be optional.

└── src
    └── components
        └── OrderPanel
            └── BookingDatesForm
                └── BookingDatesForm.js
                └── BookingDatesForm.module.css

In BookingDatesForm we need to import a couple of new resources we need to add the helmet rental fee. These will include a few helper functions necessary to handle the helmetFee price information, as well as the checkbox component FieldCheckbox.

  import { propTypes } from '../../util/types';
+ import { formatMoney } from '../../../util/currency';
+ import { types as sdkTypes } from '../../../util/sdkLoader';
import {
+ FieldCheckbox,
} from '../../../components';

 import EstimatedCustomerBreakdownMaybe from './EstimatedCustomerBreakdownMaybe';

 import css from './BookingDatesForm.module.css';
+ const { Money } = sdkTypes;

When we have imported these files, we will add the checkbox component for selecting the helmet rental fee. For this, we need to extract the helmetFee from formRenderProps.

   form: formApi,
+  helmetFee
} = formRenderProps;

We want to show the amount of helmet rental fee to the user in the checkbox label, so we need to format helmetFee to a printable form. For this, we want to use the formatMoney function that uses localized formatting. This function expects a Money object as a parameter, so we need to do the conversion.

const formattedHelmetFee = helmetFee
  ? formatMoney(intl, new Money(helmetFee.amount, helmetFee.currency))
  : null;

const helmetFeeLabel = intl.formatMessage(
  { id: 'BookingDatesForm.helmetFeeLabel' },
  { fee: formattedHelmetFee }

We will also add a new marketplace text key BookingDatesForm.helmetFeeLabel to the en.json file or the Marketplace texts editor in Console, and we can use the fee variable to show the price.

  "BookingDatesForm.helmetFeeLabel": "Helmet rental fee: {fee}",

Because there might be listings without a helmet rental fee, we want to show the checkbox only when needed. This is why we will render helmetFeeMaybe component only if the listing has a helmet rental fee saved in its public data.

const helmetFeeMaybe = helmetFee ? (
    onChange={event => {
        values: {
          startDate: startDate,
          endDate: endDate,
          seats: seatsEnabled ? 1 : undefined,
          helmetFee: event.target.checked,
) : null;

You'll also need to add the helmetFee value to all onChange handlers to both the <FieldDateRangePicker> and <FieldSelect> form fields. In addition, you'll need to add a direct call to the form.api which updates the checkbox value. For example, for the <FieldSelect> form field, the updated onChange handler would look like:

  label={intl.formatMessage({ id: 'BookingDatesForm.seatsTitle' })}
  disabled={!(startDate && endDate)}
  onChange={values => {
+   if (helmetFeeMaybe) {
+     formApi.change('helmetFee', false);
+   }
      values: {
        startDate: startDate,
        endDate: endDate,
        seats: values,
+       helmetFee: helmetFeeMaybe ? false : undefined,


If you don't do this, the booking breakdown will not reflect the toggled helmet fee when you change other parameters of the booking.

Then we can add the helmetFeeMaybe to the <Form> component:

      {seatsOptions.map(s => (
        <option value={s} key={s}>
  ) : null}

+ {helmetFeeMaybe}

  {showEstimatedBreakdown ? (
    <div className={css.priceBreakdownContainer}>

After this step, the BookingDatesForm should look like this. Note that the helmet rental fee will not be visible in the order breakdown yet, even though we added the new checkbox.

Helmet rental fee checkbox

Update the orderData object

Next, we want to pass the value of the helmet rental fee checkbox as part of the orderData object. This is needed so that we can show the selected helmet rental fee as a new row in the order breakdown. To achieve this, we need to edit the calculateLineItems function in the BookingDatesForm.js file, which takes the values from the form and calls the onFetchTransactionLineItems function for constructing the transaction line items. These line items are then shown inside the bookingInfoMaybe component under the form fields.

In the orderData object, we have all the information about the user's choices. In this case, this includes booking dates, and whether or not they selected the helmet rental fee.

We only need to know if the helmet rental fee was selected. We will fetch the helmet rental fee details from Marketplace API later in the the backend of our client app to make sure this information cannot be manipulated.

In our case, because there is just one checkbox, it's enough to check the length of that array to determine if any items are selected. If the length of the helmetFee array inside values is bigger than 0, the hasHelmetFee param is true, and otherwise it is false. If we had more than one item in the checkbox group, we should check which items were selected.

const calculateLineItems = (
) => formValues => {
  const { startDate, endDate, seats } = formValues?.values || {};

  const seatCount = seats ? parseInt(seats, 10) : 1;

+ const hasHelmetFee = formValues.values?.helmetFee;

  const orderData = {
    bookingStart: startDate,
    bookingEnd: endDate,
    ...(seatsEnabled && { seats: seatCount }),
+   hasHelmetFee,

  if (startDate && endDate && !fetchLineItemsInProgress) {

Add a new line-item for the helmet fee

We are making progress! Next, we need to edit the the backend of our client app, and add a new line item for the helmet rental fee, so that it can be included in pricing.

Sharetribe uses privileged transitions to ensure that the pricing logic is handled in a secure environment. This means that constructing line items and transitioning requests of privileged transitions are made server-side.

Since we want to add a new line item for the helmet rental fee, we'll need to update the pricing logic in the lineItems.js file:

└── server
    └── api-util
        ├── lineItems.js
        └── lineItemHelpers.js

Resolve the helmet rental fee

First, we will add a new helper function for resolving the helmet rental fee line item. This function will take the listing as a parameter, and then get the helmet rental fee from its public data. To make sure the data cannot be manipulated, we don't pass it directly from the template frontend. Instead, we fetch the listing from Marketplace API, and check that listing's public data for the accurate helmet rental fee.

If you have several helper functions, you might want to export this function from the lineItemHelpers.js file instead, and import it in lineItems.js.

In lineItems.js, add the following function:

const resolveHelmetFeePrice = listing => {
  const publicData = listing.attributes.publicData;
  const helmetFee = publicData && publicData.helmetFee;
  const { amount, currency } = helmetFee;

  if (amount && currency) {
    return new Money(amount, currency);

  return null;

Add line-item

Now the transactionLineItems function in lineItems.js can be updated to also provide the helmet rental fee line item when the listing has a helmet rental fee.

In this example, the provider commission is calculated from the total of booking and helmet rental fees. That's why we need to add the helmetFee item also to calculateTotalFromLineItems(...) function in the providerCommission line item. If we don't add the helmet rental fee, the provider commission calculation is only based on the booking fee.

Also remember to add the helmet rental fee to the lineItems array that is returned in the end of the function.

exports.transactionLineItems = (listing, orderData) => {

  const order = {
    includeFor: ['customer', 'provider'],

+ const helmetFeePrice = orderData.hasHelmetFee ? resolveHelmetFeePrice(listing) : null;
+ const helmetFee = helmetFeePrice
+   ? [
+       {
+         code: 'line-item/helmet-rental-fee',
+         unitPrice: helmetFeePrice,
+         quantity: 1,
+         includeFor: ['customer', 'provider'],
+       },
+     ]
+   : [];

  // Provider commission reduces the amount of money that is paid out to provider.
  // Therefore, the provider commission line-item should have negative effect to the payout total.
  const getNegation = percentage => {
    return -1 * percentage;

  // Note: extraLineItems for product selling (aka shipping fee)
  //       is not included to commission calculation.
  const providerCommissionMaybe = hasCommissionPercentage(providerCommission)
    ? [
          code: 'line-item/provider-commission',
-         unitPrice: calculateTotalFromLineItems([order]),
+         unitPrice: calculateTotalFromLineItems([order, ...helmetFee]),
          percentage: getNegation(providerCommission.percentage),
          includeFor: ['provider'],
    : [];

  // Let's keep the base price (order) as first line item and provider's commission as last one.
  // Note: the order matters only if OrderBreakdown component doesn't recognize line-item.
- const lineItems = [order, ...extraLineItems, ...providerCommissionMaybe];
+ const lineItems = [order, ...extraLineItems, ...helmetFee, ...providerCommissionMaybe];

  return lineItems;

Once we have made the changes to the backend of our client app, we can check the order breakdown again. If you now choose the helmet rental fee, you should see the helmet rental fee in the booking breakdown:

Helmet fee in booking breakdown

Update CheckoutPage to handle helmet rental fee

Finally, we want to update the Checkout Page so that it takes the helmet rental fee selection into account when the customer actually pays for the booking.

Fetch speculated transaction complete with helmet rental fee

When a user clicks "Request to book", ListingPage.js sends the booking details as initial values to the Checkout Page, which then fetches the possible transaction information, including pricing, to be shown on the checkout page. In Sharetribe language, this is known as "speculating" the transaction - the booking has not been made, but the line items are calculated as if it were.

Since we are dealing with a paid transaction, we need to be modifying the CheckoutPageWithPayment.js component. In that file, we have a function called getOrderParams, which creates the correct set of order parameters for all line item related API calls. Let's add helmet rental fee handling to that function.

└── src
    └── containers
        └── CheckoutPage
            └── CheckoutPageWithPayment.js
const getOrderParams = (pageData, shippingDetails, optionalPaymentParams, config) => {
  const quantity = pageData.orderData?.quantity;
  const quantityMaybe = quantity ? { quantity } : {};
  const deliveryMethod = pageData.orderData?.deliveryMethod;
  const deliveryMethodMaybe = deliveryMethod ? { deliveryMethod } : {};
+ const hasHelmetFee = pageData.orderData?.helmetFee?.length > 0;

  const { listingType, unitType } = pageData?.listing?.attributes?.publicData || {};
  const protectedDataMaybe = {
    protectedData: {
      ...getTransactionTypeData(listingType, unitType, config),

  // These are the order parameters for the first payment-related transition
  // which is either initiate-transition or initiate-transition-after-enquiry
  const orderParams = {
    listingId: pageData?.listing?.id,
+   hasHelmetFee,
  return orderParams;

This function is used to build order parameters when the component loads initial data for the page, and the order parameters are then passed to a speculateTransaction action in CheckoutPage.duck.js. That action, in turn, calls the template server using the correct endpoint and the order parameters provided.

Now when the customer selects helmet rental fee on the listing page and clicks "Request to book", we see the correct price and breakdown on the checkout page.

Helmet fee in booking breakdown on checkout page

The same function builds order parameters that get passed to the final transaction initialisation.

Now you can try it out! When you complete a booking on a listing that has a helmet rental fee specified, you can see the helmet rental fee included in the price on the booking page. In addition, the Sharetribe Console transaction price breakdown also shows the helmet rental fee.

Helmet fee in booking breakdown in Sharetribe Console

To add the helmet rental fee into your email notifications, you will need to add it to the email templates. The third step of this tutorial deals with updating email notifications.
-       {{/if}}{{/eq}}{{#eq "line-item/provider-commission" code}}
+       {{/if}}{{/eq}}
+       {{#eq "line-item/helmet-rental-fee" code}}
+       <table align="center" border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" role="presentation" width="100%">
+         <tbody>
+           <tr>
+             <td>
+               <td>
+                 <p style="font-size:16px;line-height:1.4;margin:16px 0;color:#484848;margin-top:1px">Helmet rental fee</p>
+               </td>
+               <td style="text-align:right">
+                 <p style="font-size:16px;line-height:1.4;margin:16px 0;color:#484848;margin-top:1px">{{> format-money money=line-total}}</p>
+               </td>
+             </td>
+           </tr>
+         </tbody>
+       </table>
+       {{/eq}}
+       {{#eq "line-item/provider-commission" code}}
        <table align="center" border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" role="presentation" width="100%">

The email templates that list the full line items in the default booking process are

  • booking-new-request (to provider)
  • booking-request-accepted (to customer)
  • booking-money-paid (to provider)


In this tutorial, you have

  • Saved a helmet rental fee attribute to the listing's public data in EditListingPricingPanel
  • Updated the BookingDatesForm and OrderPanel to show and handle helmet rental fee selection
  • Added helmet rental fee to line item handling server-side
  • Updated the CheckoutPage to include helmet rental fee in the booking's pricing