Last updated
Add a new email notification
Learn how to add a new email notification to the existing transaction process.
Table of Contents
In this example, we will add a new email notification which will be sent to the customer when a new booking request has been made. We will edit the cottagedays-daily-booking transaction process which was created in the earlier part of this tutorial.
Fetch transaction process
Before we modify our transaction process, it's better to ensure that we have most the up-to-date version of the process. You can fetch any process version with flex-cli:
flex-cli process pull --process=cottagedays-daily-booking --alias=release-1 --path=./cottagedays-daily-booking --marketplace=cottagedays-dev
Note: If you already have cottagedays-daily-booking directory you can't pull the process. You need to either change the --path parameter or use --force flag at the end of the command to overwrite the existing directory.
Create a new email template
When the latest version of the transaction process is pulled, we can navigate to the templates directory. We want to add a new directory for the new notification there. Because the new notification will be somewhat similar to the existing new-booking-request notification, we can use that directory as a starting point.
Copy the notification
You can use the following command to copy the contents of the new-booking-request directory to a new new-booking-request-for-customer directory.
cp -r new-booking-request new-booking-request-for-customer
Rename notification files
Now you can see that inside new-booking-request-for-customer directory there are two files:
- new-booking-request-subject.txt - holds the mail Subject line template
- new-booking-request-html.html - contains the template for the HTML version of the mail
We need to rename these files to:
- new-booking-request-for-customer-html.html
- new-booking-request-for-customer-subject.txt.
Remember to follow the naming convention where the file ends with *-html.html or *-subject.txt. Otherwise, the notification files will not work.
Edit the notification
Because we want to send the new-booking-request-for-customer notification as a confirmation to the customer, we want to do some small changes to the subject line in the new-booking-request-for-customer-subject.txt file:
- {{transaction.customer.display-name}} has requested to book {{transaction.listing.title}}
+ You have requested to book {{transaction.listing.title}}
Next, we will edit the actual content of the email notification in the new-booking-request-for-customer-html.html file.
Templates are using Handlebars syntax which will be rendered as HTML when the email is sent. Handlebars enables adding variables like recipient name, marketplace name, and transaction details to the template. You can see all variables that are available in transaction email context reference.
At the beginning of the notification file, we define helper functions
for formatting money and date values. After that, the email template
format follows a structure of a standard HTML document. You can add
styles with CSS, edit the structure with HTML, and add transaction
details by using variables within {{}}
For example, the notification code could look like this:
{{~#*inline "format-money"~}}
{{money-amount money}}
{{~#*inline "format-date"~}}
{{date date format="MMM
d,YYYY" tz="Etc/UTC"}}
<style type="text/css">
.email-title {
color: #2f880a;
{{#with transaction}}
<h1 class="email-title">
You have requested to book {{listing.title}}
Your booking request for {{listing.title}} from {{> format-date
date=booking.start}} to {{> format-date date=booking.end}} is now
waiting for provider to accept it.
The request will be accepted by {{> format-date}}. Otherwise the request will be
expired and the money you paid will be refunded to you. The
provider can also decline the booking.
<a href="{{marketplace.url}}/order/{{url-encode id}}/details"
>Check the booking details here</a
<hr />
You have received this email notification because you are a member
of {{}}. If you no longer wish to receive these
emails, please contact {{}} team.
Preview your changes
Once we have done changes to the email notifications we can preview them with flex-cli. To preview the changes we just made, we can run the command:
flex-cli notifications preview --template cottagedays-daily-booking/templates/new-booking-request-for-customer --marketplace=cottagedays-dev
You should see the HTML preview of the template in the address http://localhost:3535. If you do any changes to the template, you can refresh the browser to reload the template and render a new preview
You can also test sending the preview email:
flex-cli notifications send --template cottagedays-daily-booking/templates/new-booking-request-for-customer --marketplace=cottagedays-dev
Note: The email is sent to the email address of the admin user that was used in logging in to the CLI
Update process.edn
Once we have the new notification files in place, we need to add the notification to the process.edn file. In the process.edn file all the notifications are added under the :notifications key. We can use the new-booking-request notification as an example again.
The :name of the notification should be unique so we use the name new-booking-request-for-customer. We want this notification to be sent when :transition/confirm-payment happens which is at the same time as the provider gets new-booking-request notification. We want this notification to be sent to customer so we choose that as an actor for :to parameter. Last, we need to make sure that the value of :template is the same as the directory we created earlier.
[{:name :notification/new-booking-request
:on :transition/confirm-payment
:to :actor.role/provider
:template :new-booking-request}
+ {:name :notification/new-booking-request-for-customer
+ :on :transition/confirm-payment
+ :to :actor.role/customer
+ :template :new-booking-request-for-customer}
Push process changes
Now that you have edited the email templates, you need to push a new version of your process. If you have done the earlier parts of the tutorial this process should be already quite familiar to you. If you need more detailed information take a look at the Edit transaction process with Flex CLI tutorial.
Push the updated process:
flex-cli process push --process=cottagedays-daily-booking --path=./cottagedays-daily-booking --marketplace=cottagedays-dev
Check version number with process list command:
flex-cli process list --process=cottagedays-daily-booking --marketplace=cottagedays-dev
Update the alias to point to the latest version of the transaction process:
flex-cli process update-alias --alias=release-1 --process=cottagedays-daily-booking --version=3 --marketplace=cottagedays-dev