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How to set up Analytics for FTW

This guide describes how to set up analytics for Flex Template for Web (FTW).

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FTW comes with built-in support for Google Analytics and supports tracking page views with customisable analytics handlers. This article explains how to enable Google Analytics and use and create custom analytics handlers.

Configure Google Analytics

FTW has built-in support for Google Analytics. All you need to do is assign your Google Analytics Tracking ID to the environment variable REACT_APP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID.

Google Analytics doesn't work in a hot-loading environment! The analytics script is added server-side. You can test it in your local environment by using the command yarn run dev-server.

Google Analytics 4

Google recently released their new analytics service Google Analytics 4. Support for Google Universal Analytics will end on October 1, 2023. New versions of FTW provide out-of-the-box support for Google Analytics 4.

If you're starting development on a new version of FTW and prefer to use Universal Analytics, you should look into how Analytics was implemented before this pull request. If, on the other hand, you're working on an older version of FTW, and you want to start using GA4, you'll need to implement the changes introduced in that pull request.

New versions of FTW will expect a Tracking ID compatible with Google Analytics 4. FTW expects the ID to begin with the "G-" prefix.

Enhanced measurements

It is not recommended to use the Enhanced Measurements feature introduced in Google Analytics 4, which is enabled by default. The Enhanced Measurements feature injects code into link tags which can break in-app navigation in FTW. Therefore, we strongly recommend disabling the Enhanced Measurements feature when using Google Analytics 4 with FTW.

If that's not an option, you can continue to use Enhanced Measurements if you disable the Outbound clicks and page changes based on browser history events features.

Disable Outbound clicks

Built-in handlers

FTW includes an event handler that sends page_view events to Google Analytics. These events need to registered manually because FTW is a single-page application, meaning that in-app navigation does not render a page load.

The Google Analytics script registers a page_view event automatically on every page load. The trackPageView function takes this into account and only sends a page_view event to Google if a page is accessed through in-app navigation.

If you'd like to track something other than page views, you can implement your custom handler using the trackPageView function as an example.

Custom analytics libraries

If you choose to add another analytics provider (e.g. Facebook Pixel), you can follow these steps to import the third-party script and create a custom handler. In some cases, it might also be worth looking into npm packages instead of manually appending a third-party script.

Add the analytics library script

If the analytics library has an external script, you can add the library script tag to the public/index.html file.

In some cases, you might want to import the script during server-side rendering (SSR). Importing the script during SSR also allows you to conditionally import the script, depending on, e.g. certain environment variables. To inject the script during SSR, see how the googleAnalyticsScript is imported in the server/renderer.js file.

Create a handler

You can create a custom handler e.g. in src/analytics/handlers.js. If you want to track page views, you could create a class that implements a trackPageView(canonicalPath, previousPath) method.

Note that the canonicalPath parameter passed to the function might not be the same path as in the URL bar of the browser. It is the canonical form of the URL.

For example: the listing page URL is constructed dynamically: l/{listing-slug}/{listing-id}. The canonical form of that URL would be: l/{listing-id}.

A "slug" is a web development term for a short, user-friendly string. In the example above, FTW generates the slug from the listing's title, which is prone to frequent changes. Therefore, a canonical form of that URL is needed to maintain a stable link which doesn't change every time the name of the listing changes.

This approach allows unified analytics and correct tracking of pages that can be accessed from multiple URLs.

If your analytics library tries to access the page URL directly through the browser, you might need to override that behavior to use the canonical URL that is given to the method.

Initialise the handler

Finally, you only need to initialise the handler in the setupAnalyticsHandlers() function in src/index.js.