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How to change FTW microcopy language

This guide describes how to change the language used in the Flex Template for Web (FTW) application

Table of Contents

If you want the template to use a language that is not supported by default, a new language-specific microcopy file needs to be added and the messages in it need to be translated:

Creating a new microcopy file

  1. Copy the default src/translations/en.json English microcopy file into some other file, for example it.json for Italian.

  2. Change the messages in the new microcopy file to the desired language.

Note: we already have a few other language files available in src/translations/ directory for you to start customizing microcopy.

Even if you use hosted microcopy to manage your marketplace texts, it is still important to have a built-in language-specific microcopy file in FTW as well, so that the application can show meaningful messages for any keys missing from the Flex Console microcopy asset.

Changing the microcopy used in FTW

Once you have the microcopy file in place:

  1. In src/config.js, change the locale variable value to match the new locale (the name of the new microcopy file, without the extension), for example:
const locale = 'it';
  1. In src/app.js, change the React Intl import to point to the correct react-intl locale, for example:
import localeData from 'react-intl/locale-data/it';
  1. If you are using a non-english locale with moment library, you should also import time specific formatting rules for that locale:
import 'moment/locale/it';
  1. Point messagesInLocale to correct .json file, for example:
import messagesInLocale from './translations/it.json';

Changing the microcopy used in tests

Also, in case you will translate the application and develop it forward it is wise to change the microcopy file that the tests use. Normally tests are language agnostic as they use microcopy keys as values. However, when adding new microcopy you can end up with missing microcopy keys in tests. To change the microcopy file used in tests change the messages variable in src/util/test-helpers.js to match your language in use, for example:

import messages from '../translations/it.json';

Developing FTW into a multilanguage marketplace

If you intend to modify a FTW template to handle multiple languages, it is good to note that the FTW templates are by default configured to run in single language mode, so a multilanguage marketplace requires custom development. For multiple languages, you basically have two approaches for that custom development.

The first option is to create two versions of the client app, one for Language 1 and one for Language 2. They can both point to the same Marketplace API i.e. share the same listings, users, transaction processes etc. If you have a very location-specific marketplace with different locations mainly in different languages, this might be a good approach, because you can then target your UI, branding and localization more closely to the target area.

Another option is to customize a single client app to provide multiple languages. For instance, you could import several language files in src/app.js and select which one you are going to use by modifying src/routeConfiguration.js, so that all the paths include a ”locale” variable. E.g. /about could be changed to /:locale/about to capture paths like /fr/about. In this case, it is useful to save the user's language preference to the extended data.

Read more about having a multilanguage marketplace on top of Flex.