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User access control

This article explains what types of user access control are available in a Sharetribe marketplace

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By default, all users in a Sharetribe marketplace have the same permissions to join, post listings, and start transactions. However, you can modify some of these permissions in Console, under the "Access control" tab.

Access control options

Access control features can be toggled on or off on the marketplace level, and some permissions can also be modified per user. Certain access control settings may also enforce authorization in certain API endpoints.

When an operator makes a user-level change to a single user's permissions, it triggers a user/updated event that you can listen to with Integration API. However, when an operator toggles a feature on or off on the marketplace level, no event is triggered, even though the effective permissions may change for some users.

Make marketplace private

By default, Sharetribe marketplaces are public. This means that listings and user profiles are visible to unauthenticated users. By making your marketplace private, you allow only authenticated users to view listings and users on your marketplace.

On a private marketplace, the only public Marketplace API endpoints are user creation and password reset related. All other endpoints require an authenticated user access token.

This setting can be turned on or off on the marketplace level.

Access control for private marketplace

Approve users who want to join

User approval means that when a user signs up, they need to be approved by an admin before they have full access to the marketplace.

On public marketplaces, this means that users pending approval can view listings and other users' profiles, but they cannot post listings or initiate transactions.

On private marketplaces, users pending approval can only view their own profile – they cannot view any other marketplace data.

You can enable this setting in the Access Control tab.

Access control for user approval

When this setting is enabled, you will see a badge next to the name of each user who is pending operator approval.

Multiple users pending approval

You can accept the user by opening their user detail card and clicking on the "Approve user" button in the bottom right corner of your screen.

Accept user pending approval

Manually grant permission to publish listings

You might also want to limit listing publishing rights to certain users only. For example, if you have user types "Buyer" and "Seller", you might want to grant listing publishing rights to sellers only. Or you might be monetizing your marketplace with subscriptions, and therefore you only want to grant publishing rights to users who have subscribed.

On the marketplace level, you can toggle the selection in the Access control tab.

Publish listings permission checkbox

Once this checkbox is selected, you can see the permission status of each user in the Console's Manage > Users view. A checkmark indicates permission to post, a cross indicates that the user does not have permissions to post listings.

User permissions in Manage view

You can grant or revoke publishing rights for an individual user in their user details. Click the "Edit" link next to the "Permissions" heading.

Edit a single user's permissions

Now, you can check or uncheck the permissions checkbox for this user.

User permissions checkbox

Permissions in the access-control.json asset

On the marketplace level, the changes made in Console get recorded in the asset /general/access-control.json.

/general/access-control.json asset

Permissions in the currentUser resource

Permissions show up in the currentUser resource in two ways:

  • currentUser has an attribute permissions, which contains the user-level permission setting


  • currentUser also has a related resource effectivePermissionSet, which contains the user's permissions based on the user level and marketplace level settings. You will need to explicitly include this related resource in your currentUser.show() API call to fetch it from the API.


This is an important distinction, because the currentUser.attributes.permissions value might be different from the effectivePermissionSet value.

For this reason, you should always use the effectivePermissionSet value to determine the user's access in custom code, because it takes into account both user-level and marketplace-level permissions.

Consider this example:

  • A marketplace has enforced manual permission to publish listings
  • User A has had their publishing rights revoked. Both their attributes.permission value and their effectivePermissionSet value for postListings are "permission/deny".
  • Marketplace operator has a campaign where they want to grant all users posting rights for 24 hours, and they deselect the checkbox for requiring manual permission to publish listings.

Now, the attributes.permission value for postListings is still "permission/deny", because it persists on the user's profile.


The effectivePermissionSet value for postListings, however, is "permission/allow", because now the marketplace level restriction has been lifted. The marketplace level setting overrides the user level setting.

currentUser.relationships.effectivePermissionsSet with marketplace level permission